Item Flags

Example of item flags

        id: DIAMOND_SWORD
        slot: 0
        name: "&7Cool Gamer Sword"
        - "&eCute little lore for you =D"
        durability: 1300
        - "sharpness 5"
        - "unbreaking 3"
        hide_attributes: true
        hide_enchants: true
        - "unbreakable"
        - "self-drops"
        - "inventory-modify"
        - "death-drops"

Flag List

unbreakable <- makes item unable to be broken

death-drops <- when this is added to item flags it will disable the ability to be dropped if a player died with the item!

self-drops <- when this is added to item flags it will disable the ability to be dropped out of the inventory

inventory-modify <- when this is added, it disable player from moving the item in inventory, disable player from putting the item in offhand and disable ability to use as armor

overwrite <- when this is added to the item flags, it will allow the item to overwrite if there is a item in the slot where item is supposed to be in!

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